It’s that time again. This weekend I will be spending my time on Saturday at my Grandparents 50th Anniversary. It should be good, I know I’ll enjoy the food. My brothers are coming home from Alberta for the weekend to come along. It should be fun to spend some time with them.
Then I suppose Sunday will turn into a full day of trying to complete all of the assignments due on Monday. That won’t be so fun :( The two CS classes always seem to make me have homework over weekends. CS350 seems to be more important since the assignment is worth 8% of the total mark. Also, it has been simplied for everyone and questions 3 and 4 have been taken out. That just leaves questions 1 and 2. This seems to be like a big weight off my shoulderss.
I forgot to mention that I took out the original page that was here before. I felt this page was getting old and needed to be redone. I added a redirect from the old site location to the blog for everyone’s convenience. The new page looks better but for those of you that still wish to see the old page, you can do that by clicking on the “historical index” link on the side. The new site will allow me to more easily make updates and keep the site current. Stay tuned for more details.
I thought I would try something new. I put together this blog after messing around for a couple of hours. . I don’t know why it took so long to setup but I think it has something to do with not knowing what is going on. I thought I would try to be creative and I put the mysql server onto a ubuntu linux machine. Thanks again Derek for the Pentium 166mhz , haha. I suppose this is just an experiment to see if I could make it work. While I was working on getting this going I thought to myself that this is the kind of stuff that we should be doing for class assignments.
In school assignment news, I have been looking over the assignments that I will have due in the upcoming week or two. In Computer Science, I have a CS350 assignment (shortened) and a CS330 assignment due on Monday the 21st. On Monday the 28th, part 2 of the CS330 project will be due. Today I handed in the last Chemistry lab assignment, and next up will be the lab final in a couple weeks. As well, I have another English essay due on December 5th. This will be a major essay worth 20% so I am going to have to try really hard to give this mark a solid boost into the final.
In other news, I finally bought House of Flying Daggers today. I had already seen the show plenty of times already but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to own the DVD. This was one of my favorite shows that I saw while I was over in China. For those of you who have not seen it, it takes place in China a long time ago. It seems similar in style to Hero, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. So if you liked either of those I’m sure you will like this.