
Last night I bought Frogger on the Xbox Live Arcade. I thought it was really good. It cost me 400 Microsoft points or around $6 or so. The game itself is a port of the original arcade game with more features added on. I could see myself playing it a lot since it is really nice to just be able to pick up and play without having to get into it. In case you don’t know, Frogger is a very simple game where you are a frog. The objective is to make it across a street and a river and get to the other side. The main challenges are the criss-crossing of traffic, logs, and lilly-pads. This may sound simple but as you progress it speeds up and other obstacles start appearing such as snakes. Overall I would give this Live Arcade game an 8/10!

One thought on “Frogger”

  1. Next time I invite you out for football you are so on my team. you fast bastard you

    Lol good times though, thanks for coming out I appreciate it and you will be getting calls to play later for sure

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